“Page to Screen: It’s a Big Deal”
Due to Covid19 Restrictions, Milford Readers & Writers Festival organized a free virtual event - Thursday, March 11, 2021
“Page to Screen: It’s a Big Deal”
This very special evening will be introduced by Milford’s very own Mayor and author Sean Strub and will be moderated by author and screenwriter Amy Ferris. The participants will be: John Berendt, whose mega best-seller Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil was made into a film directed by Clint Eastwood; Richard Morais, author of The Hundred-Foot Journey which became a film starring Helen Mirren; and Robert Levine, attorney and producer of the film of the Pulitzer-prize-winning play That Championship Season, which starred Robert Mitchum. David Kirkpatrick, former head of production at Paramount Pictures and The Walt Disney Studios and accomplished producer and writer, will add the studio perspective.
What does it take to get your words from the page to the screen? Some say a good story, some say tenacity. And some say knowing the right people or being in the right place… some say luck. But no matter how it’s said, it is a big deal to see actors speaking your written words. Directors take what is on the page and bring it to life on screen. Cinematographers and Production Designers create magic – movie magic.
Each panelist will share stories, anecdotes, good memories, bad moments… you’ll hear a funny story, a poignant story… you’ll hear about dreams coming true and yes, unexpected nightmares. In other words: an evening of Hollywood stories.
March 11, 2021, 7 pm to 8:45 pm
Receive a 25% discount on the books featured in the “Page to Screen” zoom event.
Call or text 201-230-3900 or email blackdogbooksnj@gmail.com and ask for the book you would like.
To bring you these special events, we rely on donations from our generous supporters.
Your tax-deductible donation is appreciated.

Writer and Editor. The Film of his mega-best-selling book “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” was directed by Clint Eastwood.
Movie Trailer – Click Here

Award-winning novelist, biographer, and journalist. His novel “The Hundred-Foot Journey” was made into a film starring Helen Mirren.
Movie Trailer: – Click Here

Former Head of Production at both Paramount Pictures and The Walt Disney Studios where he produced numerous book-to-film projects; co-founder of The Story Summit.
Movie Trailer: The Queen’s Gambit – Click Here

Producer of the screen adaptation of the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning play “That Championship Season” starring Robert Mitchum. He is an attorney involved in many book-to-film projects.
Movie Trailer: – Click Here

Author of “Marrying George Clooney”, accomplished screen and television writer and prolific journalist and editor.

Mayor of Milford, Pa., and a longtime activist and the author of “Body Counts, A Memoir of Activism, Sex, and Survival”.

The Milford Readers & Writers Festival is a project of Pike Artworks, Inc., a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organized by a group of community volunteers from the Upper Delaware River Valley region.